Wow! After a lot of talk about blogging, I have finally joined the club. I don't know why it took so long. If I would have been aware of the stress of picking a title for my blog I probably would have put it off even longer. I knew I could change it later if I wanted to, but the anxiety still got to me. I felt like I was making a commitment! However, creating my blog was so fun and I just couldn't pull myself away from it. I
had to pick a design, and then I had to make the appropriate changes, and now I have to write my first post. I'm going to have to get used to this, and learn about all the different things I can do with it, but I can tell that blogging will be an activity that I am going to love!
Of course it's a great way to keep people posted who are interested in what's going on in my life, and even for complete strangers to do the same, that's why it was started in the first place. (Note to self - social networking is great business) Honestly, I decided to start a blog because I'm leaving on a trip in May, and my roommate, Erin, has explained to me how wonderful it is, so I figured this would be a great way to share those moments with my friends and family. But as I started this post I realized that what I hope to do is take more time in my life to write down and share the good things that I see and the fun times that I have. I want to be more engaged in the things around me, to take more pictures, and look for moments throughout my days or weeks that are meaningful that I can capture.
I really am going to try to figure out what it is that makes blogs really take off, but for now, be patient with me! I'll eventually learn what people really want to read about. I'll even learn how to upload pictures onto this so it's more fun to look at for me and you. So I hope you enjoy and stay tuned for the exciting adventures to come!